
Dream (noun) -a series of thoughts, images and feelings that you experience when you are asleep -something you hope for and want to happen very much -a situation that does not seem real or part of normal life -a set of pleasant thoughts that make you forget about what is really happening

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Troubled Waters

Long time since i last updated... haha my usual source of rantings has come to use again...

well not to say that the last 2 wks or so had been good... so good that i dint need to blog any troubles... but rather that the last 2 weeks have been so busy that i dun reallie have the time to blog...

anywayz i'll go against e norm when i blog, this time i'll go by more recent events 1st... well nt many know abt this but my 2nd uncle (maternal side)'s family has ran into some troubles/disputes again... well i dun wanna tok too much abt this to anyone particularly also becuz i'm not one of e involved parties, mainly juz a observer in the whole issue... however what... grrr screw english...

我为他感到很不值,他为孩子付出了这么多,现在他有病却没有人肯帮忙他负担家里的责任。就拿煮饭来讲,以前他没病可以三餐住给他们吃,现在有病了要休息却没有人肯担其这个责任。对他可能对其中一个孩子偏心,拜托他还是你老爸你懂吗。那个在享受的就不要讲了,以他的性格要他照顾老爸是不可能的,自己的孩子放学, 自己白天没做工也不要去接,为了什么?省工车费?要自己的老爸去接孩子就算了,家里水电费不用付,伙食费也不用付,外面租出去的房子所赚来的钱也是自己收,你还埋怨老爸给你得不多?你别忘了你还有六个兄弟姐妹,你埋怨他们岂不是可以请律师说老爸虐待他们了?



when things become a hi bye thing within a family, it's reallie reallie reallie v sad... and this is nt a one off case, it's been like this for years and years and years... dun they get sick of the same problem again and again and again...

back to myself... think i'm getting my game addiction back again... particularly bad for this period whereby i have a OM term paper to submit nxt week and MNO video project also... haven even start writing the discussion review properly... MNO video subtitling also haven done... my priorities are all wrong again... argh... i think i need to lock away e wc3 disk... now i know why parents do tat in the past...

this song keeps recurring in my head: 王菲's 我愿意... esp e first line: 思恋是一种很选的东西...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

FNA mid term

well the results are out... i'm satisfied with my results in that i knew i already got 2 mistakes in the test... so 23/25 perfectly fits my picture...

so why am i still sad??? i dunno... maybe because of someone else's results... i guess...

well someone got 22 and told me he's disappointed.. oO ur above average dude...

gg win

anywayz regarding e Odex issue... now awaiting re appeal... bahx have to scan so many things...

Monday, October 01, 2007


well today marks the end of recess wk and the start of exams week... and wad's best to kick off everything with a 9am test... well dun worry it's not an NUS exam... it's my Final Theory Test for driving... well abt 1 hr time's time more and i'm totally ill prepared... well see how it goes alr... hope for the best man... ciaoz