problems.... wif e new year alr...
- comp has spyware... smth dunno wad keeps changing my homepage to some website saying i have spyware on e comp and advice me to remove it...
- some dunno wad slimming advertisement is flooding my junk mail box wif 100mb emails...
- comp doesn't load warcraft 3 2/3 of e times...
- comp lags...
- comp keeps telling me i have insufficient space in my C drive...
- i need a bigger drive... 20 gig is not enough
- i need a better graphics card...
- i need a better processor, RAM.............................
- in short i need a better comp...
- i suck at pool and mahjong...
- i suck at gunbound...
- i need to pass IPPT
- i haven't done any exercise for 9 days other than 1 hr of bball...
- i onli have 30 bucks ang bao money...
- i'm overspending my pay for e month on transport and food... yikes...
- i haven't pack my bag for tml...
no wonder they say this year is e year of cock.... hmmmm