
Dream (noun) -a series of thoughts, images and feelings that you experience when you are asleep -something you hope for and want to happen very much -a situation that does not seem real or part of normal life -a set of pleasant thoughts that make you forget about what is really happening

Friday, December 03, 2004


my comp like started to lag aft inserting the 4th song... like ooo... so maybe i'll post e endings and inserts some other time... ok here's smth interestin...

Mwu Lla Fllaga, age 28. You're just the star of the day eh !
YOU ARE..... : Mwu Lla Fllaga ! Ahh the laid-back
person, you're just the type of person who
tries to fill up the merriness in a difficult
situation, but when it gets serious.... you're
the utmost !!

Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Character Personality Test !
brought to you by Quizilla

wah interesting... but i dun wanna die!!!!... *sad* but i muz say he is damn cool... but he also died a heroic death (p.s. i haven't seen tat episode yet... stuck at 40 need to go yl's house to finish within these 8 days) nvm.. i shall bask in his glory for e time being... =D


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