Farewell Assembly
Last day of actual school to me actually means nothing... coz we still have to go back there for exams anywayz... but since they wan to call it last day so mite as well celebrate lor... haha... e farewell assembly was pretty fantastic... well at least for e band part and e j1 fac cap skit... e opening was a silent (repeat after me... silent) powerpoint presentation... den a j1 band performed, shahmir singing "run to me" and "don't forget me", watermelon eating contest, j1 skit(or is it e other way round... i am a goldfish... tat fact will nvr change =P) , performance by 2 simple guys (which i think is a lil extra but quite funny)...
special CT session, everybody taking photos like crazy... shld have seen e number of cameras on e chair waiting to be used when we're taking e senior junior photo... think abt nearly 15 cams... me no camera so have to depend on other ppl to send e class photo arnd... which stacy had alr done... haha... almo and ravin brought their "gay" books (actually they're autograph books but becuz of e multi color pages of almo's book, they call it e gay book)... only wrote in almo's... coz ravin onli passed his arnd during GP lect... which i find totally useless coz my main purpose attending it is to get my compo results... which i found out later that they dint give out anywayz... i mean wad for go for a compre lect when tat compre is LAST YEAR's A lvl paper... and wad are e chances of it coming out again this year... i guess presumably 0... X~N(0,0.0000000001) for those who are struggling wif maths... it juz means 0... =D
den went home to change den went to watch New Police Story wif computing pals... and i muz say this is e 1st time i ever sneak into a cinema... coz they bought e tickets b4 i arrived and yuan lin dint tell em i was going... so 9 tickets 10 ppl... well we managed to do it... yogi say e guy heck care... i say e guy dint bother to count and e counter lady cheated us saying tat it was full house alr... but nvm i still got in... and it was a great movie... pretty funny... and CHARLENE IS DAMN GOOD AT "SA JIAO-ing"!!!!!! omg... i was juz left wide eyed and open mouthed... for those who have watched it u wld know wad i mean... damn cute!!!!... haha
yay i'm going crazy... as in going to become crazy... coz it's muggie period... haha let's see 8 days to my b-day and 10 days to prac... not exactly e best of all timings but nonetheless... at least it aint on e same day... haha
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